About Writing a Series
What's Better Than a Great Novel? A Series of Them! Series are popular in most genres and can help boost your visibility as an author. But how do you create one? How do you come up with an idea that will generate multiple stories in the same story world? This book explores all the factors that go into making a successful series, from testing your characters and story premise for series potential to tracking details as you write to ensure continuity. Content includes: Series vs. Story - A New MindsetTypes of Series - Episodic, Serial & HybridSoaps & SerialsCreating a Series Premise or Story EngineGenre & IconographySetting or Story WorldThemesPlots & Story ArcsCharacters with Series PotentialCharacter Development ArcsProtagonist vs. Antagonist PlotsRomance Plots & SubplotsBuddy Movies & Odd Couple PlotsFriends to Enemies: Betrayal & Revenge PlotsCreating & Maintaining Suspense in a SeriesCreating a Series BibleWriting the First Novel in a SeriesEnding a Series & Extending a SeriesSpin-Offs & Shared WorldsBatch Writing & Rapid ReleaseWriting a Romance SeriesIn these pages you will see how plot and character arcs can be used to tie novels in a series together, what to do if your series doesn't perform as well as you'd hoped, and where to go next if it exceeds expectations. By the author of Plot Basics, Character Creation and the multi-volume Genre Writer series
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