About You've Got This - For Teens
It's not easy being a teenager. You aren't allowed to behave like a child, but you still aren't given the freedoms of an adult. You're in transition and it can be awfully overwhelming sometimes. You've probably heard this a million times before, but trust me when I say that things do become clearer. You will find yourself, and know where you fit into this big, wide world.Life is full of lessons.This part of your life is one big whirlwind where things can very easily get on top of you, and time passes by in a flash. I hope that the words inside this book help to remind you that you ARE acknowledged, you ARE understood, and there is ALWAYS support around you - whether you're aware of it or not.Most importantly, I want you to know that you're not meant to have life all figured out yet, so give yourself a break and allow yourself to just be YOU.You've got this.
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