About A Killing of Sparrows
In this third installment of the Ghost Girl series, Dr. DeeDee Olsen Blanchard and Police Chief, Christi Newsome, investigate when a fourteen-year-old is arrested for shoplifting.Sage Barclay committed the crime intentionally wanting to get caught. The reasons why are alarming and disturbing. Her mother's new boyfriend, Neil Comstock, has taken up residence with them, and he's mentally and verbally abusive to Sage. Her mother, Doris, doesn't believe the stories her daughter has told her about her beau. Why should she? He never mistreats Sage in her presence. Doris is convinced that Sage is jealous over the relationship her mother has with Neil and is trying to split them up.When Doris and Neil are summoned to the police station after Sage's arrest, DeeDee immediately realizes there's a problem with Neil Comstock when she sees the spirits of two young girls who have attached themselves to him. It doesn't stop there. The number of spirit appearances increases every time DeeDee sees him. Who are the young girls and how is Neil involved in their deaths? What no one knows is that Neil Comstock is a disingenuous imposter and murderous child predator with a dark and vicious history who targets vulnerable, single women with young daughters. Now that he's lured Doris Barclay into his web of deception, he has Sage Barclay set in his crosshairs.Can DeeDee and Christi uncover his lethal past and reveal his true identity before he can make Sage Barclay his newest victim?
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