About Chi-Kung & T'ai-Chi
In essence, chi-kung and Tai-chi Ch'uan training are a means of exercising the life force, the qi, within oneself. From observing life in general, it is obvious that movement is an ever-changing sequence through creation to destruction and re-creation. All nature, humankind naturally included, relies on change, action and exercising change. The study of action and change, through exercise, is a study of the Way of Life. Over millennia, along with the study of the heavens, the stars and the natural world, humankind has systematically explored the realm of its known universe through movement, in all its aspects. On a human level, this has been for enhancing, not only the visual aspects of our actions, such as in dance, nor just for personal protection and longevity, as in the martial arts, but also for enhancing the metaphysical and psychological realms of one's own personal universe. This has been through meditative arrangements (sitting, standing and moving), to bring about a more harmonious and healthful standard of living with the greater 'spiritual' development, based on awareness of the need for peaceful communal living and loving one's neighbour as oneself. The nurturing of qi, with the development and practice of chi-kung and Tai-chi Ch'uan has been but one facet of this worldwide awakening, all be it a very influential and important one. Yet, while perfection of movement might seem an outer goal, it is the development of the inner core and rediscovering the spontaneity of the child within, through aspects of meditation, that is far more important for civilized, harmonious living.
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