About Circle It, Beach Boys Facts, Word Search, Puzzle Book
Love that great summertime beach music from the Beach Boys. When a Beach Boys song is played, which old girlfriend or boyfriend comes to mind?
"Circle It" word search books read like a book and are full of interesting facts, the bold words within the text can be found in the word search puzzle on the opposite page.
UPGRADE your word search and be the one everyone wants to talk with; your friends will wonder, how did you get so smart?
Everyone will really enjoy your conversation when you say, "The other day I was reading and did you know that...."
Typical word searches are just dull lists of words, "Circle It" word search books read like a book and are full of interesting facts.
Each "Circle It" word search book has an interesting subject, like:
* Muscle Car Facts
* Quilting Facts
* Lake Fish Facts
* Dog Facts
* Cat Facts
* Hockey Facts
* ...many many more (200+ titles)
Lowry Global Media, Circle It Word Search Books are all available from your favorite online bookseller.
Just search for "Lowry Global Media" to see all of our word search titles.
Looking for a gift? Our books are great for anyone ages 12 to 99.
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