About Follow the 'Dot'
Dot "follows" her experiences, feelings, observations through the past (like following the "dots"), searching for why her mother never loved her. A former teacher, mother of four, active volunteer, she remembers personal, sometimes sad times, highlighting people from her past who inspired, guided, and comforted her. And, she tells of others she has "reached out to" in their life-adventures. "Dorothy Killackey has a BA Degree in Psychology from Barnard College, Columbia University and was awarded two professional Masters' Degrees: "Childhood Education" and "Adult Education" from Western Connecticut University, (both Cum Laude). She also was awarded certification from Yale as an "Educational Examiner". She authored three "Musings" books (published by Amazon), and, in her eighties was a columnist, writing short stories for a Putnam County newspaper, The Putnam NewsTimes. "Dorothy was born in Pittsburgh, PA. and educated at college in New York City. Her hobbies are baking, crocheting, and piano-playing. She has donated dozens of her home-crocheted "lap robes" for comforting seniors, and "baby blankets" for the needy, and has spent more than twenty years accompanying at the piano the "dancer/singer" group from "The Putnam County Office for the Aging" as they entertained at local nursing homes. Her psychologist daughter inspired her to write more "personal stories" than she had been writing and so she wrote this book "Follow the 'Dot'". Since turning 90, she has taught four short-story classes to the public, encouraging others to express their thoughts and feelings. Her website: Killackeydot@comcast.net.
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