About Fundamentals Of Garden Designing
This perplexity of common people inspired me to record technical information in concise way on garden designing in the form of this book. The main purpose is to provide basic information on design, features, plants, maintenance and how to combine these in the form of gardens. The way these have been illustrated with examples, photographs and list of plants for each feature will certainly help all for finalizing various issues of garden developments. Students of ornamental horticulture and researchers will find s on historical aspects, principles and various styles of garden designing of the world supported with relevant reference for further studies. Amateur garden lovers and house owners who like to do designing, selection of plants for their own garden, will find the practical guidelines contained in the book most useful. Professionals, who are associated with designing and development of gardens, will find complete guidelines in the form of designs, features, plants and maintenance of specialized gardens to fulfill the requirements of various situations like factories, temples, avenues, airports, home etc. Those who like to get the garden development job thorough agencies / landscape contractors will find relevant information in the appendix.
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