About Here Comes the Fun
Are you getting enough? Bestselling travel writer Ben Aitken wasn't. Increasingly flat and decreasingly zen, he knew that something had to change. Unnerved into action, Ben gave burnout the boot and stress the cold-shoulder by embarking on a whimsical journey into the serious business of having a laugh. He did a pilgrimage in Spain and a cruise of the Baltic. He endured a summer camp in Kent and a theme park in Derby. He injured his nose in Brighton (wakeboarding) and pulled his hamstring in London (ecstatic dancing). And when he wasn't on the road, he searched for merriment at home: by giving bridge a go, the crossword a chance, and gardening a crack of the whip. By incorporating the thoughts and findings of key thinkers and boffins, and by reflecting on less obvious sources of levity like conversation and community, Here Comes the Fun offers a satisfying balance of the playful and profound, the serious and silly, the thoughtful and fun.
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