About Igpay Atinlay Ordway Amblesscray
DESCRIPTION: These word scramble puzzles consist of Pig Latin words where the letters have been scrambled. Solve each puzzle by rearranging the letters to form the matching Pig Latin and English words. For example, consider the following word scramble: ZEPALYZU. Rearranging the letters ZEPALYZU, we can form the Pig Latin word UZZLEPAY, for which the English word is PUZZLE. PIG LATIN REFRESHER: A concise, one-page introduction to Pig Latin with examples is included at the beginning of the book. This refresher also specifies the variation of Pig Latin used in this book. There is also a one-page pronunciation guide with several examples. Separate one-page introduction and notes sections are written exclusively in Pig Latin to provide some practice with the translation. ORGANIZATION: All of the answers in each puzzle are related in some way. For example, they might all be days of the week, or they might be feelings. Knowing that the words are related may help you unscramble any words that you don't see right away. HINTS/ANSWERS: There are separate sections of hints and answers at the back of the book. The hints section provides just the first letter of each word. This can be useful if you just need a little help. Complete answers are provided in the answers section. You might want to place a folded sheet of paper here so that you can check the current puzzle's answers without spoiling other puzzles. EWAY OPEHAY ATTHAY OUYAY ENJOYAY ISTHAY UZZLEPAY OOKBAY!
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