About Kids in the Fast Lane
Children today want to be footloose, fast, and free. As a result, many lack respect for their parents, teachers, authority figures, elders, and themselves. While parents are busy elsewhere, children have created lives of their own, looking to the internet, TV programs, peers, social media, and music for guidance. Their thinking becomes distorted. Life, they believe, will hand them a shortcut to instant success through sex, drugs, and attitude. They are heading down a road to destruction. The enemy -- that old serpent Satan -- is behind it all. He came to shake up the parents so he can manipulate the kids. Parents, it is time to pray. Kids in the Fast Lane: Drivin' Too Fast with Sex, Drugs, and Attitude was written to wake parents and kids up. We need to understand the enemy's tactics so that he will not destroy our children. In Proverbs 29:15, the Bible says, "the rod and reproof give wisdom; but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame." If parents make the time and effort to pray for guidance and correct and discipline their children, we may be able to keep the enemy at bay and raise up a generation who will serve God rather than the devil.
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