About Ozlander
Letticia Little has arrived back in Autralia with her two young daughters after being in Scotland for 6 months on a trial separation with her husband. While in Scotland Letticia met a Scottish man who successfully measured up to Letticia's long list and high expectations of what a man should be,which was her very own Jamie Fraser, who is a Tall red headed, Scottish kilt wearing heart throb from the #1 best selling novel and tv series Outlander based in Scotland.
In her time spent in Scotland she crosses paths with a man who could very well be her reallife non fiction fantasy man Jamie Fraser by the name of Scott King. Scott follows Letticia back to Australia after she had returned and surprised her.
Scott plans on staying in Australia for a few months to see where their relationship goes but before long another adventure in on the horizon for Scott and Letticia which takes them up to Cairns in far north Queensland.
They are faced with many challenges along the way. Will the Scottish heart throb and his Australian Sassenach be strong enough to overcome what is in store for them or will the fantasy they are living end before it even gets started? Is Letticia living a dream or is this her reality now?
Ozlander is the exciting and romantic sequal to Scottlander
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