About Reflections on the Middle East crisis
Frontmatter -- Table of Contents -- Introduction -- PART I: The Middle East Crisis in Historical Perspective -- Preface to Part I -- 1. The Position of Jews in Arab Lands Following the Rise of Islam / Swartz, Merlin -- 2. The Problem of Palestine / Marks, John H. -- 3. Nationalism and Conflict in Palestine / Chomsky, Noam -- PART II: Personal Perspectives on the Crisis -- Preface to Part II -- 4. The Palestinians as a Political Entity / Anabtawi, Samir N. -- 5. Reflections on Three Concepts of Justice Regarding Palestine / Laroui, Abdullah -- 6. The Palestinian Experience / Said, Edward W. -- 7. The Third Year of the Six-Days' War / Avnery, Uri -- 8. A Plea for Rationality in Israel-Arab Relations / Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua -- 9. Letter to a Friend: An Essay on a Hope for Peace / Gendzier, Irene -- PART III: General Reflections on the Crisis -- Preface to Part III -- 10. Reflections on the Crisis / Toynbee, Arnold -- 11. Crisis and Role of Decolonization / Berque, Jacques -- 12. Relevance of the "Third World" to the Palestinians / Teuber-Weckersdorff, Charlotte M. -- 13. Through a Glass Darkly: Images of the Middle Eastern Conflict / Gilsenan, Michael -- 14. Alternatives to Fear / Mason, Herbert
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