The author began to encounter lost souls through the veil in early childhood. Of course, at first, she was frightened. But over time, she learned that the energy flowing through the veil flows both ways, back and forth, between heaven and earth as we give and receive. As she learned to assist lost souls in their journeys back to their eternal home, other souls began to assist her in her spiritual quest for healing and restoration from an emotionally difficult childhood and a better way of being on this earth. She began to realize the tremendous magnitude of love, insight, and healing that flows to us through the veil, if we are willing to receive it. The author also includes explanations of the variety of ways we might tap into the language of the eternal for better understanding, clarity, and confidence in our interactions with those who have gone before us.
Today she considers these supernatural encounters to be a miraculous blessing beyond belief. Now, after a lifetime of silence about her "out of this world" experiences, the author finally decided it was time to share what she has gained on this path that leads to healing, love, joy, and trust. She has hope that her story, as unbelievable as it may seem, will be an inspiration and a benefit to others in their own journeys on this earth.
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