About Riley
Following on from their near capture at the hands of Bilal and his followers, Keira, Riley and Luza make a daring escape and cross a lake to seek refuge with the faeries. Despite their attempts to remain focused on their task, the friends are finding it difficult and must use all their combined resourcefulness to persevere. Riley is struggling to keep a number of potentially damaging secrets which could completely unravel their journey, while Luza is recovering from her injuries and the poison given to her by Bilal's dog. She knows that she must somehow regain her strength in time to fulfill the prophecy, but, like Riley, the fox also knows more than she's telling and it could cost Keira dearly.Meanwhile, Keira has a brief reunion with her father and must come to terms with the new found knowledge that her life has changed forever. Accepting it, and her new task, is a different matter however, and she isn't sure if she will have the strength to do what is asked of her. Can the three friends be prepared before Bilal returns to seek his revenge? Will they fulfill the prophecy or will the forces of Sohon win the war over Lane, his daughter and all that is good in the forest?
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