About Service Dog Named Paige
What is it like to be the disabled Handler of a divine and extremely intelligent, well trained and obedient Service Dog? How does it feel to be highly protected by one? To go everywhere with and to be protected by one in a righteous and honorable manner? What is it like?This book explains the details of putting in for a grant to get one, getting one born and trained, going through the class to get assigned one, the special rules behind what entails having it, what its actions are after the Handling begins, what religious ramifications are involved with it, how it is really smart - in this life and in the Hereafter - which is where it is going to go with its owner when the owner dies and is Resurrected, and what it's diet and health are like. Service Dogs are remarkable creatures! And they are full of attention, obedience, training, tricks, commands, and love! I greatly appreciate mine! I have written this story so that you can read it...in the event that you, too, choose to get a Service Dog as a lifelong companion. You would love it! I know this under God's blessings and the commands of the Holy Angels! They say it is so! So, Blessings to you!
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