About ThunderCloud
ThunderCloud... begins with a front-row look into a troubled Native-American teenager's trial and excommunication from his "Principal People" (the Cherokee). His struggles to survive in a world full of strangers, some good, some bad, in many ways mirror our own. ThunderCloud's external obstacles force him to confront his real and imaginary, inner demons that led him to his lonely situation in life. What he discovers inside changes his whole outlook about his past, present, and future. The oddities of the individuals, cultures, and generations that come across his path not only challenge his manhood but also determine his ability to relate to and live and work within a group. He learns -- and we do with him -- that, ultimately, every bit of his life, including the consequences of his decisions and actions, measures his responsibility level. Whether or not his tribe accepts him upon his return with a motley gaggle of people and myriad stories to tell, is his final challenge... but only after he rescues a gang of youthful renegades, a precocious runaway, and the woman who may one day bear his children!
Reader Review:
"'THUNDERCLOUD ...' by Ronald Joseph Kule is a stunning novel! I enjoyed it very much. I loved reading about the shoo-fly pie - the first time I have heard about it." - Jean Hughes, avid book-reader from North Dakota
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