About Unlock: Intermediate Jazz Etudes
HOW TO DOWNLOAD DIGITAL PLAY ALONGS **After the cover page, in the next page, you will find a barcode that will lead you to the digital play alongs. Any QR reader APP for smart phones or tablets will work easily. UNLOCK VOL. IV Intermediate Jazz Etudes are designed to provide detailed aspects for players to improve their musicality, technical agility, articulations, dynamics, rhythmic studies and sight-reading skills. There are 12 etudes based on jazz swing, bossanova, jazz ballad, jazz funk, jazz waltz styles. Each etude focuses on different techniques for enhancing the players' understanding of the note-chord relationship along with all of the other skills listed above. When working on these etudes, you should practice them slowly in the beginning and gradually raise the tempo as you become more comfortable with the etudes. Following this guideline will help you to retain what you're learning, depending your understanding of the etudes in the process. In addition to playing through the etudes, it is also recommended that you do a harmonic analysis of each etude to understand the melodic approaches used in each piece. Good luck with your studies, All the best Sarpay "SarpEye" Ozcagatay
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