About Untangling Religion from Spirituality
What Would YOU Say?Some people say, "I am spiritual but not religious". Others say, "I am religious and my spirituality is based on my religion". And a few say, "My religion is my spirituality". Then there are those who say, "Religion is spiritual and you can't be spiritual without religion". And a very few say they cannot be compared as both are the same!Phew! So there is an obvious mixing of the two ideas. That's why untangling them can only happen in one's own consciousness when there is clarity about each. Mike sets out to help you discern the difference between religion and spirituality but in a way that engages you to 'see for your self'. In 101 areas of comparison he articulates both the substantial and the subtle differences with simplicity and wisdom.Why is it important? In his words, "Right now religion still dominates our world. For many it provides a comfortable set of beliefs by which to live. But if you want to prepare your self for what is to come, if you want to be ready, willing and able to face the challenges ahead, you will need to cultivate your spirituality. And that, for many, is not so comfortable".
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