About Watch for Falling Rocks
Gina Daniels is away from Echidna's School of Monsters for the summer. Hurray! But her life as a troll is far from forgotten. A reunion with her mother and a trip to troll mountain brings in more complications. Suddenly, all of Gina's control is lost. A thorn is inside her mind, because not all is well in Troll Mountain thanks to a new Hero, just as bad as Hercules. Thor, the Troll Thumper, the mighty God of Thunder! He keeps Gina's mother and people under tight control, but Gloria Daniels doesn't want Gina's help! As Gina tries to forget the newfound connection with her mother, she loses more and more of her control while enduring a summer camp for monsters. Gina comes to find out, though, that ignoring her mother is in trouble isn't at all possible as Gina begins to turn into stone. Realizing she has to do something to save her mother, Gina sets off to destroy the mighty Thor!
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