About Why Your Kids Do What They Do - Revised Edition
As a parent, have you ever wondered why teenagers do the things they do? Surprisingly, what appears to be risky or bizarre behavior to adults makes perfect sense to teenagers. But what happens when that behavior puts teens in danger and threatens to destroy the parent-teen relationship? Rodney Gage has invested over thirty years ministering to youth and their families. Why Your Kids Do What They Do is a comprehensive guide to help parents and teens stay on or get back on track. In it, you'll learn:How to look beyond surface behavior and discover specific needs that dictate teenagers' attitudes and actions.
How a proactive approach to parenting teenagers will prepare them to become mature, healthy adults.
How to strategically listen and relate to your teenagers in a way that brings healing and gets you working toward the same goals.
"Why Your Kids Do What They Do gives answers to all those 'why' questions parents typically ask about their teenagers. As a parent, I encourage you to read it. It will change the way you relate to your kids." -Dr. John C. Maxwell, author, speaker, and founder of Maxwell Leadership
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