About Yogic Ethics for a Balanced Mind
An in-depth analysis of the concept of ethics within the yogic world-view and as a part of spiritual meditation, this book discusses the principles of Yama Niyama from the perspective of psychology and philosophy in modern language suitable to the western student. Yama Niyama are considered as the base upon which empathy, trust, self-reflection and a coherent personality can develop, thus facilitating the practice of meditation and introspection. One becomes aware of the subconscious source of one's emotional patterns and the effect that these have on one's self-esteem and social interactions. In addition to an understanding of yogic ethics, the reader will also gain insights into many other aspects of the philosophy and psychology of Tantra Yoga.
Recognizing the relativity of our daily experiences yet based in certain essential archetypical truths, Yama Niyama serve to produce an integrated personality on the individual level and the foundations of a healthy society collectively. Yama Niyama work to challenge one's individual limitations and preconceptions, producing a continuous process of mental expansion and deepening awareness of what is means to be human.
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