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Here you will find exciting books about Marketing. Below is a selection of over 19.198 books on the subject.
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  • - Håndbog om informationsjournalistik, virksomhedskommunikation og public relations
    by Jens Otto Kjær Hansen & Hanne Birgitte Jørgensen

    Ny udgave netop udkommet.Kjær Hansens bog "I andres brød" er på 6 år udkommet i 5 oplag. Den tager udgangspunkt i, at journalister i stigende grad kommer ind i kommunikationsjobs og dermed har en anden funktion end den, de umiddelbart er uddannet til. Den udvikling er gået så hurtigt, at "Strategisk kommunikation for praktikere" ikke beskæftiger sig med den ændring, men tager praktikere i hånden uanset baggrund. Så foruden et lidt ændret fokus og en kraftig opdatering er bogen udvidet med håndfaste tjeklister, mange praktisk tips, flere metoder og nye eksempler.(2. udgave er identisk med 1. udgave - internetadresser og grundig korrektur er forskellen)

  • - Indholdsstrategi for sociale medier
    by Astrid Haug

    "Sig du kan li' mig. Sig det, så jeg tror" ... på dig.På sociale medier er det indholdet, der tæller. Men hvad er egentlig godt indhold, som får folk til at kunne li’ens virksomhed? Og hvad kræver det af virksomheden at være til stede på sociale medier? Sig du kan li’ mig giver konkrete råd til, hvordan man får fat om roden på de sociale medier, redder sin Facebook-side fra at visne og sparker gang i samtalen på Twitter eller andre sociale medier.Det er det indhold, som folk deler og liker, der gør virksomheden synlig. Men likes alene gør det ikke. En indholdsstrategi er svaret på nogle af de udfordringer, mange små og mellemstore danske virksomheder møder, når de anvender sociale medier.Bogens fem kapitler har hovedbudskaberne:· Find jeres formål med at anvende sociale medier· Find ud af, hvor I har noget relevant at tilbyde brugerne· Lav det gode indhold, som brugerne kan tale om· Lav en indholdsplan og sæt konkrete mål op for indsatsen· Få organisationen og medarbejderne med i strategien.

  • by Esben Gynther & Jesper Krogh Schlosser

    3. udgave af grundbogen til Salgsassistentuddannelsen: Grundbog i Detailhandel. Bogen er blevet opdateret fx omkring e-handel og udvidet med bl.a et nyt appendiks om fagprøven. Bogen handler om grundlæggende butiksdrift – med fokus på butikselever. Det vil sige, at bogen er skrevet med udgangspunkt i de emner, elever i danske butikker skal igennem i løbet af deres uddannelse til salgsassistent.Bogen er brancheneutral , det vil sige, at der ikke er lagt særlig vægt på en branche frem for en anden. Den behandler de grundlæggende discipliner, teorier og værktøjer og kan derfor fungere som en grundbog for, hvordan en butik fungerer.

  • by Hans Cajus Pedersen, Lars Rasmussen, Steen Jørgensen, et al.

    Målet med bogen er bl.a. at give en indføring i de forskellige udviklingstendenser, der præger den offentlige sektor. Det drejer sig fx om kvalitetsarbejde med de forskellige ydelser, samspillet mellem den offentlige og private sektor samt virksomhedskultur – herunder hvordan en organisationskultur forandres.Derudover behandles bl.a. mediernes rolle i vores demokrati, reglerne for god offentlig sagsbehandling, indsamling af data og EU. Kapitlet om EU dækker også valgfaget ”EU og internationalisering”.På forlagets hjemmeside www.forlaget94.dk kan man som supplement til bogen hente forslag til større projekter og artikler.

  • by Jonathan Løw

    I GURUBOGEN har 100 af verdens førende iværksættere og ledere ordet. De skriver jordnært og uhøjtideligt om innovation, iværksætteri og autentisk ledelse.Du kan bl.a. blive klogere på, hvorfor idéer slet ikke er så vigtige, som vi går og tror, og hvorfor vi skal droppe snakken om at være forandringsparate og i stedet blive forandringsskabende. Derudover er der konkrete råd til organisationer i alle faser af deres udvikling, en palet af måder at sikre innovation og innovationskulturen på samt kvalificerede forslag til, hvordan du arbejder med din autenticitet.Glæd dig til at blive inspireret af 100 artikler skrevet af Airbnb-stifter Brian Chesky, Årets Leder i 2014 lakridsmageren Johan Bülow, Nobelprismodtager Daniel Kahneman, kvinden bag Endomondo Mette Lykke, restaurant Nomas direktør Peter Kreiner, ledelsesguruerne Otto Scharmer og Robin Sharma og mange, mange flere.GURUBOGEN rummer ikke sandheden, én klar pointe eller rød tråd. I stedet er håbet, at du finder glæde og inspiration ved at lytte til bogens artikler og finde de tanker og idéer, som giver mening for lige netop dig. Så uanset om du er en enmandsvirksomhed, vækstiværksætter, udviklingskonsulent, leder eller blot interesserer dig for bogens temaer, så er du inviteret med til at innovere, skabe vækst og ændre verden.

  • by Bente Halkier

    Denne titel er erstattet af 9788759322086

  • - Sådan bruger du adfærdsdesign til at skabe forandringer i den virkelige verden
    by Morten Münster
    £12.99 - 10.99

    Mennesker i den virkelige verden opfører sig nemlig ikke som de mennesker, vi bygger vores alle vore sædvanlige strategier til. Morten Münster omsætter de seneste 40 års forskning i menneskers adfærd til en lettilgængelig metode i fire trin – en helt konkret håndsrækning til alle ledere og medarbejdere, som leder efter alternativer til de gængse virkemidler.

  • - Are You Ready to Reinvent Your Organization?
    by Aaron Dignan

  • - Sådan bygger du software uden at programmere
    by Jacob Bøtter

    NO-CODE er for dig, der er ekspert i alt andet end kode. Du mestrer måske Excel, men ønsker at gøre en større digital forskel. Bogen introducerer dig til 25 måder at bygge software eller automatisere arbejdsgange uden at skrive en eneste linje kode.

  • - The Psychology of Persuasion
    by Robert B Cialdini

    Influence, New and Expanded UK, is a remarkable book penned by the renowned author, Robert B Cialdini. Published recently in 2021, this book is a must-read for those who are intrigued by the power of persuasion and influence. The genre of this book can be best described as a fascinating blend of psychology and business, which Cialdini masterfully intertwines to provide a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind influence. HarperCollins Publishers Inc, a globally recognized publishing house, has brought this enlightening piece of literature to the market. The book is written in English, making it accessible to a wide range of readers. Influence, New and Expanded UK, is not just a book but a comprehensive guide to understanding and navigating the complex world of influence and persuasion.

  • - How To Take Control of the Customer Conversation
    by Brent Adamson & Matthew Dixon

    THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER: OVER HALF A MILLION COPIES SOLDIn The Challenger Sale, Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson share the secret to sales success: don't just build relationships with customers. Challenge themWhat's the secret to sales success? If you're like most business leaders, you'd say it's fundamentally about relationships - and you'd be wrong. The best salespeople don't just build relationships with customers. They challenge them.Matthew Dixon, Brent Adamson, and their colleagues at CEB have studied the performance of thousands of sales reps worldwide. And what they discovered may be the biggest shock to conventional sales wisdom in decades.The Challenger Sale argues that classic relationship-building is the wrong approach. Every sales rep in the world falls into one of five distinct profiles, and while all of these types of reps can deliver average performance, only one - the Challenger - delivers consistently high performance.Instead of bludgeoning customers with facts and features, Challengers approach customers with insights about how they can save or make money. They tailor their message to the customer's specific needs. They are assertive, pushing back when necessary and taking control of the sale.Any sales rep, once equipped with the right tools, can drive higher levels of customer loyalty and, ultimately, greater growth.Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson are managing directors with CEB's Sales Executive Council in Washington, D.C.www.executiveboard.comwww.thechallengersale.com

  • - Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen
    by Donald Miller

    Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller is a game-changing book published in 2017 by HarperCollins Focus. The book falls under the genre of business and marketing, and it has revolutionized the way businesses communicate with their customers. Miller, with his expertise and experience, provides a seven-part framework that helps businesses clarify their message and effectively engage with their customers. The book is written in an engaging and easy-to-understand manner, making it a must-read for anyone looking to improve their business communication and marketing strategies. Published by HarperCollins Focus, 'Building a StoryBrand' continues to be a valuable resource for many businesses around the world.

  • - How to Build Habit-Forming Products
    by Nir Eyal

    Nir Eyal reveals how successful companies create products people can't put down - and shows how you can do it too.INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER WITH OVER 200,000 COPIES SOLD WORLDWIDE Based on years of research, consulting, and practical experience, Hooked:* Shows how to create user habits that stick* Includes practical insights and riveting examples, from the iPhone to Twitter, Pinterest and the Bible App* Explains how products influence our behaviour'A must-read for everyone who cares about driving customer engagement' Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup'The most high bandwidth, high octane, and valuable presentation I have ever seen on this subject' Rory Sutherland, vice chairman, Ogilvy & Mather

  • by Line Knutzon
    £6.99 - 8.49

    Er du en rasende 65-årig mand med udstående øjne, der vil have lov til at råbe fede kælling til fede kællinger? Er du en tavs og skeptisk 12-årig pige, der nægter at tale med voksne? En storrygende og dehydreret 45-årig kvinde på den yderste venstrefløj? En 87-årig kvinde, der ikke har råd til din egen begravelse? En panikslagen dramatiker, der har bidt fingrene af sig selv. Er du nisse? Ufødt? Slagtesvin? Midt i en aggressiv debat om istidens slutning? Er du faret vild i Sverige, i livet, i mørket uden at kunne finde kontakten, sulten, på randen af sammenbrud, fattig, til grin og tørret i det moderne Danmark? Så spørg Camille Cloud – hun har svar på alt, hun er tidens svar og tidens lyd, for hun har succes og har tænkt på alt, før hun blev født.

  • - A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade
    by Robert Cialdini

    Intends to transforms the way we think about the craft of persuasion. Drawing on research, and packed with case studies, this book offers new insights into the art of winning people over: it isn't just what we say or how we say it that counts, but also what goes on in the moments before we speak.

  • by Aaron Ross

    Called "The Sales Bible of Silicon Valley"...discover the sales specialization system and outbound sales process that, in just a few years, helped add $100 million in recurring revenue to Salesforce.com, almost doubling their enterprise growth...with zero cold calls. This is NOT just another book about how to cold call or close deals. This is an entirely new kind of sales system for CEOs, entrepreneurs and sales VPs to help you build a sales machine. What does it take for your sales team to generate as many highly-qualified new leads as you want, create predictable revenue, and meet your financial goals without your constant focus and attention? Predictable Revenue has the answers!

  • - How Today's Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success
    by Sean Ellis & Morgan Brown

    Growth is now the first thing that investors look for in assessing and valuing companies. HACKING GROWTH is a method for growth that involves cross-functional teams and continuous testing and iteration. It focuses on customers - how to attain them, retain them, engage them, and monetize them - rather than product. This book deals with this topic.

  • - How to Use Behavioural Design to Create Change in the Real World
    by Morten Münster
    £12.99 - 10.99

    With more than 50,000 copies sold in Denmark, this book has been on the bestseller list since its publication in 2017.Barack Obama used a secret competitive advantage to win two elections. Companies such as Google, Amazon and Novo Nordisk use the same insight to stir up innovation, increase compliance, improve the work environment and sell more products. And successful management groups in the C20 index have started using it as their preferred strategy. But what kind of insight are we talking about here?The answer is – behavioural design. Because people in the real world don’t actually behave like the people we build all our usual strategies for. We are opposing human biology and psychology when we insist that good arguments, burning platforms, classic change management, pamphlets, campaigns, and joint meetings are the way to go.Obama, Google and all the rest have instead opted to use an evidence-based approach to change behaviour, and when you’ve read I’m Afraid Debbie From Marketing Has Left for the Day, you can adopt this approach as well. In his book, Morten Münster has converted 40 years of research in human behaviour into an easily accessible method composed of four steps – a helping hand to all managers and employees who are thirsting for alternatives to conventional means.

  • - You Can t Be Seen Until You Learn To See
    by Seth Godin

    THE FINANCIAL TIMES BOOK OF THE MONTH Over the past quarter century, Seth Godin has taught and inspired millions of entrepreneurs, marketers, leaders, and fans from all walks of life, via his blog, online courses, lectures, and bestselling books. He is the inventor of countless ideas and phrases that have made their way into mainstream business language, from Permission Marketing to Purple Cow to Tribes to The Dip. Now, for the first time, Godin offers the core of his marketing wisdom in one accessible, timeless package. At the heart of his approach is a big idea: Great marketers don't use consumers to solve their company's problem; they use marketing to solve other people's problems. They don't just make noise; they make the world better. Truly powerful marketing is grounded in empathy, generosity, and emotional labour.This book teaches you how to identify your smallest viable audience; draw on the right signals and signs to position your offering; build trust and permission with your target market; speak to the narratives your audience tells themselves about status, affiliation, and dominance; spot opportunities to create and release tension; and give people the tools to achieve their goals.It's time for marketers to stop lying, spamming, and feeling guilty about their work. It's time to stop confusing social media metrics with true connections. It's time to stop wasting money on stolen attention that won't pay off in the long run. This is Marketing offers a better approach that will still apply for decades to come, no matter how the tactics of marketing continue to evolve.

  • by Oren Klaff

    A venture capitalist and popular radio show host teams up with a New York Times bestselling author to explain how to craft and deliver a winning pitch for any occasion by tapping into the evolutionary power of the human brain

  • by David Ogilvy

    A new edition of the timeless business classic featured on Mad Men--as fresh and relevant now as the day it was written "We admire people who work hard, who are objective and thorough. We detest office politicians, toadies, bullies, and pompous asses. We abhor ruthlessness. The way up our ladder is open to everybody. In promoting people to top jobs, we are influenced as much by their character as anything else." --David Ogilvy David Ogilvy was considered the "father of advertising" and a creative genius by many of the biggest global brands. First published in 1963, this seminal book revolutionized the world of advertising and became a bible for the 1960s ad generation. It also became an international bestseller, translated into 14 languages. Fizzing with Ogilvy's pioneering ideas and inspirational philosophy, it covers not only advertising, but also people management, corporate ethics, and office politics, and forms an essential blueprint for good practice in business.

  • by Russell Brunson

    Master the art of what to say in your funnels to convert your online visitors into lifelong customers in this updated edition from the $100M entrepreneur and co-founder of the software company ClickFunnels.

  • - Selling to the Hidden Influencer Who Can Multiply Your Results
    by Brent Adamson, Matthew Dixon, Nick Toman & et al.

    The long-awaited sequel to the bestselling sales classic The Challenger Sale'A handbook of practices that will help you get into your customers' heads, deliver good value, and win the sale' DANIEL H. PINK, author of To Sell is Human and DriveFour years ago, the authors behind The Challenger Sale overturned decades of conventional wisdom with a bold new approach to sales. Now they reveal something even more surprising: the highest-performing sales teams don't focus on friendly, attentive customers. Instead, they target challenger customers. Challenger customers are sceptical, less interested in meeting, and ultimately indifferent as to who wins the deal. But they also have the credibility, persuasive skill and will to challenge the status quo that will get a deal to the finish line far more often than customers who are easier to connect with. Based on new CEB research from thousands of B2B marketers, sellers and buyers around the world, The Challenger Customer shows you how to find these 'mobilizers' and equip them with the tools to effectively challenge their own organizations on your behalf. This ground-breaking book is the blueprint you need to make the sale again and again. thechallengercustomer.co.uk

  • - Proven Lessons from a Five Time CRO
    by John McMahon

    The Qualified Sales Leader is written by a five time Chief Revenue Officer in an easy to read conversational and narrative style. The book provides enterprise software sales leaders and their sales reps proven methods to sell more by quantifying business value for the customer and selling major company solutions to C level executives. No tricks, no shortcuts, just simple ways in which sales leaders can help their sales reps sell more software by closing more deals.

  • by Seth Godin

  • - The ultimate guide to staying one step ahead in the complex sale
    by Andy Whyte

    What do the world''s most successful enterprise sales teams have in common? They rely on MEDDICC to make their sales process predictable and efficient.MEDDIC with one C was initially created by Dick Dunkel in 1996 when he was at PTC. Since then MEDDIC has evolved to be better known as MEDDICC or MEDDPICC and has proliferated across the world being the go-to choice for elite enterprise sales organizations. If you ever find yourself feeling any of the following symptoms with your deal, you could benefit from MEDDICC:Your buyer doesn''t see the value of your solution? (aka they think you are expensive)You are unable to find, articulate and quantify PainYou don''t have a Champion or at the very least a Coach helping you navigate and sellYou find yourself unable to gain access to people with power and influenceYou don''t know how the customer makes decisionsYou don''t know who is involved in the decision-making processYou find yourself surprised by things that come up in the sales processThe decision criteria seem to move throughout the process, and you''re constantly playing catch upYour Competition is landing strikes against you that you neither see coming nor are able to defendYou lose track of where you stand in your dealsWhether you are an individual contributor or a sales leader embracing MEDDICC will help you to beat those symptoms and take back control of your deal.Historically, learning MEDDICC has relied upon hands-on training, but now you can learn MEDDICC from an expert who uses it every day.The Book deconstructs MEDDICC into easy to understand and implement steps. Breaking down every letter of the acronym into actionable insights complemented by commentary on how MEDDICC can help sales organizations to revolutionize their sales execution and efficiency.In the words of the original creator of MEDDIC, Dick Dunkel:Whether you are an individual contributor or sales leader, my advice is that you should start to implement MEDDICCinto what you do straight away. Embrace MEDDICC, and you and your team will more clearly understand the WHY to yourprocess, and you''ll begin to execute your customer interactions with more purpose and achieve better results.And like so many others before, you will begin to reap the rewards of having a well-qualified pipeline of opportunitieswith clearer paths to success. - Dick Dunkel, MEDDIC Creator.

  • - håndbog for kommunikationsmedarbejdere
    by Mette Minor Andersen & Regine Wowk Andersen

    Man kan ikke uddanne sig i pressearbejde – det er learning by doing! Men nu har to erfarne kommunikatører skrevet den bog, de gerne selv ville have haft, da de stod i deres første job. Faktisk kan den være god at have i baghånden for alle, der laver pressearbejde. Har du kontakt til pressen på din arbejdsplads, selvom det ikke er dit primære arbejdsområde? I denne bog får du gode råd til at udføre pressearbejde – så journalisten lytter, og chefen smiler. Bogen forklarer bl.a., hvorfor det kan være svært at få en journalist til at skrive om lige netop din gode historie. Og hvordan du forklarer chefen, at I ikke kan komme i Aftenshowet. Enhver kommunikationsmedarbejder, der har prøvet at lave pressearbejde, ved, at det kan være svært at sparken døren ind til redaktionerne. Og at det vrimler med famlende pressemedarbejdere samt irrelevante og dårligt formulerede pressemeddelelser kan de fleste journalister skrive under på. Bogen er skrevet til den medarbejder, som ikke har pressearbejde som sit primære arbejde, men fra tid til anden skal løse presseopgaver. Den kan læses fra ende til anden som en introduktion til disciplinen pressearbejde eller som en opslagsbog, du griber fat i, når du står over for en konkret opgave med at synliggøre et budskab i medierne. Regine Wowk Andersen har været medlemssekretær i Folketinget, presse- og kommunikationsmedarbejder i H:S (i dag Region Hovedstaden) og karriererådgiver i Dansk Magisterforening. Siden 2005 har hun haft egen virksomhed – Wowk – PR og kommunikation. Mette Minor Andersen har arbejdet som ekstern lektor på Københavns Universitet, været kommunikationsmedarbejder og redaktør i H:S (i dag Region Hovedstaden), kommunikationskonsulent i innovationsfabrikken IPU og som selvstændig i Kommunikations-Teamet. Hun er i dag kommunikationsmedarbejder i DTU Fødevareinstituttet og i innovationsplatformen InSPIReFood.

  • - A Revolutionary Approach to Inbound Sales, Content Marketing, and Today's Digital Consumer
    by Marcus Sheridan

    THE SIMPLE MARKETING STRATEGY TO ATTRACT BUYERS IN THE DIGITAL ERA Today's consumers live in a digital world, with access to all the information they need to make a purchasing decision at their fingertips. To influence the behavior of your buyers, you need to be an authority who can address every question, concern, or fear they may have. You do this by setting aside the "old school" marketing and sales playbooks of yesteryear and embracing the role of a teacher, creating content that provides your buyers with the answers they seek. This is how you grow your business in the digital age. And They Ask, You Answer is your guide to accomplishing that goal. The first edition of They Ask, You Answer was a massive success, empowering marketing and sales teams across all industries (B2B and B2C), to connect with their buyers online and achieve astounding revenue growth. This revised edition goes even deeper, introducing you to the latest must-have content marketing tools, like real-time conversation technology and video. Inside, you'll also find new case studies and interviews with industry thought leaders. Finally, this book will give you insider insight into the future of digital marketing. With They Ask, You Answer in your pocket, you'll not only be positioned for success today, you'll also be ready for what's on the horizon with buyer behavior and technology.

  • by Russell Brunson

    Dotcom Secrets is an insightful book penned by the renowned author, Russell Brunson. Published in 2022 by Hay House UK Ltd, this book delves into the world of internet marketing and entrepreneurship. Drawing from his vast experience, Brunson provides readers with a roadmap to online business success. The book is a treasure trove of strategies, tips, and secrets that demystify the complex world of dotcom businesses. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, Dotcom Secrets is a must-read. It's not just a book; it's a manual for anyone looking to make a mark in the digital world. Don't miss out on this masterpiece by Russell Brunson, brought to you by Hay House UK Ltd.

  • by Jordan Belfort

    Jordan Belfort - immortalized by Leonardo DiCaprio in the hit movie The Wolf of Wall Street - reveals the step-by-step sales and persuasion system proven to turn anyone into a sales-closing, money-earning rock star.

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